Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taran Maternity

Yesterday morning we got to shoot our good friends wife, for their soon-to-be addition to their beautiful family. Taran it a trooper! I made her be ready by 6:00am, crawl under a barber-wire fence, and dodge cow-pies for a good 45min. Enjoy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kyle & Prisilla Get Engaged

So we shot this great couple last week. We took them on a nice little tour through La Jolla. It was a beautiful day and Kyle and Prisilla made our job easy. They are getting married in August and we can't wait to shoot their wedding. We had a hard time narrowing down the post....We had way too many favorites. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Brent & Amy Get Married

If you are an avid follower of our blog, you might remember this awesome couple. We shot their engagement shots this winter and they just got hitched this past month. It was awesome to see how these two really love each other. After the ceremony, they really didn't care much about anything. They were so enchanted with each other, nothing else matter. We wish them the best of luck. Peace & Love!